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Newsletter: January 4

Dear Parents,

2022 is off to quite a start! We are doing our best to keep the school and classrooms open in light of multiple challenges so far this year. Here’s what you need to know:

Car Line - in front of main entrance

Car line will continue to be in front of the main door until the risk of ice in the parking lot from the re-freeze subsides. Please use car line to drop off, as we are only making sure that the area right in front of the school is clear from ice.

More Winter Weather is Coming


A special weather statement was issued for tomorrow morning that could impact our opening time. Please stay tuned to this post for updates:

There is already chatter about FCPS being closed again tomorrow. If that happens, Kindergarten will be closed, but the school aged program will run for our FCPS kids as well as our Kindergarteners, in line with our operating status for the school.


We are expected to get another 3 to 5 inches of snow on Thursday evening. We will update you on our operating status by 5am on Friday morning.

Snow Policy:

We close when Fairfax County Government closes. Other than that, we will make our own determination. We will make every effort to update you by 5am each day there is a threat of a weather closure or delay.

Snow Gear:

We need to keep our kids warm and dry while they are outdoors, so it’s really important that you send your child with weather appropriate clothing each day. This includes a back up outfit and shoes!

Do you have any snow gear that your children have outgrown? Bring it in and we can find a home for it!

Covid Update:

Fairfax County has yet to update their guidance for child care centers. This means that will will continue to operate with:

  • a 10 day isolation for all people who are positive for COVID

    • day 1 is the first day symptoms begin OR the day of the PCR test for asymptomatic people

    • individuals who test positive for COVID may return on day 11, providing that their symptoms are improving and they have been fever free for 24 hours.

  • a 14 quarantine for CONTACTS of someone who has tested positive for COVID

    • day 1 for the 14 day quarantine begins the day after the last exposure to the COVID positive individual.

If we receive updated guidance, we will post an update to the website immediately.

Thank you again for all of your support!


the CG team!

See this gallery in the original post