Newsletter: July 25
Dear Parents,
We hope you are all enjoying your summer! We know that each classroom and program has enjoyed having some summer fun with our students! This newsletter has a lot of important information since we have been taking a little breather from weekly updates.
CLOSED ON Friday, August 19th
We are in need of a Staff Development Day and have some construction repair projects that need to be completed. The board has voted to allow us to close to students on Friday, August 19th, the last Friday before Fairfax County Public Schools open for the 2022-2023 school year.
We hope that this day won’t be too inconvenient for parents. We appreciate the support that you all give to our teachers.
New COVID Guidance
The Fairfax County Health Department has released up to date COVID guidance for child care centers. We will be following their guidance issued on Friday, July 22nd.
Here is the FAQ that we will reference: COVID FAQ for Childcare
When in doubt, we will consult that Health Department for case specific guidance.
We will be updating our policies on our website to reflect the guidance in this document. Please note, that since over 50% of our teacher population has risk factors that place them at high risk for severe illness, we will continue to strongly encourage masking indoors.
Fall Programs Begin September 6th
While our School Aged Summer Camp ends on Thursday, August 18th, our Fall Programs for infants, toddlers, and preschool do not begin until after Labor Day. Classroom transitions will happen at that time and the classes for the fall will be set through the end of December.
We will communicate with all families in the coming weeks if your child will be transitioning.
We have the Scholastic Book Fair returning to Common Ground next week!