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Newsletter: November 9th

Dear Parents,

Thank you for making Trunk-or-Treat a magical event for us! We had so much fun connecting with our families that we have a few more outdoor events coming down the pike so make sure you keep reading our newsletters.

After the fun on Friday, a parent asked about exchanging phone numbers with other parents in the center for playdates! We thought we could take it a step further and do a Common Ground directory! This will be an internal PDF document that we will send via Brightwheel so that it stays off the internet. If you DO NOT want your information included, please make sure to fill out this form.

Veteran’s Day is this Thursday, November 11. We are OPEN as usual. FCPS has a 2 hour early dismissal for school aged children and we will be picking up as usual, just 2 hours earlier!

Play Date - Saturday from 3-4:30pm

We had so much fun having parents and kids on site for Halloween, that we thought we’d have a “Play Date” this Saturday! So meet us at the Common Ground playground this Saturday from 3pm to 4:30pm to hang out with other parents at the center and let your kids enjoy our awesome playground!

We will have the building unlocked for restroom access and will have jugs of hot chocolate and water! No need to sign up, as this is just an informal opportunity to let your kids meet up with their friends and for you to chat with their parents!

And don’t forget to sign up for our Saturday Hours where the teachers will be here to hang with your kids while you go out and shop! and make your donation:

Thanksgiving Boxes

Common ground is participating in the annual Cornerstones Thanksgiving Box Food drive. Our classrooms will be assembling the boxes!

Please see this post for more details:

Or just sign up here:

Our 5-11 year olds are getting Vaccinated!

Read Miss LJ’s account of Juliet’s vaccination on our blog:

One of our long time parents, Michelle Wiss, has also volunteered to speak with any parents who have questions regarding the covid vaccine and children. She vaccinated her two daughters (ages 11 and 5) the first week it was available as well! You can email her here or reach out to Liz to her her phone number!

If your child is eligible for vaccination you can schedule it:

Holiday Gifts/Teacher Bonuses

Each year we ask that parents pool their resources to award the Teachers a combination Holiday Gift/Teacher Bonus.

Please follow this link to read the letter from the board and sign up to pledge the donation amount you wish to give. Common Ground will be matching the funds donated by parents!

The Stuffy Sleepover is BACK

We are excited to announce that Mr. Josh will be back for the Stuffy Sleepover!

Your stuffies don’t want to miss this amazing event!

Sign up here:

Thank you for reading our Newsletter!

We love that you are a part of our community.


the CG Team

See this gallery in the original post