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Operational Responsibilities

Below you will find links policies regarding Common Ground’s operational responsibilities outlined in the Virginia Standards for Child Day Centers, updated October 13, 2021. A review of these responsibilities will take place annually, at a minimum. The annual review date will be the date of publishing of this post, however the last changes were made on September 9, 2024.

8VAC20-780-40. Operational responsibilities.

A. Applications for licensure shall conform with Article 3 (§ 22.1-289.010 et seq.) and Article 4 (§ 22.1-289.030 et seq.) of Chapter 14.1, of Title 22.1 of the Code of Virginia and the regulation entitled General Procedures and Information for Licensure, 8VAC20-820. - Common Ground is a licensed child day center in good standing with the Virginia Department of Education.

B. Pursuant to § 22.1-289.034 of the Code of Virginia and the regulation entitled Background Checks for Child Day Programs and Family Day Systems, 8VAC20-770, the applicant and any agent at the time of application who is or will be involved in the day-to-day operations of the center or who is or will be alone with, in control of, or supervising one or more of the children, shall be of good character and reputation; shall not have been convicted of a barrier crime as defined in § 19.2-392.02 of the Code of Virginia; and is not the subject of a founded complaint of child neglect or abuse within or outside the Commonwealth. - All staff have completed the required background checks to be on site, the appropriate documentation has been requested, and their references have been checked. Common Ground is committed to having staff that are of excellent character

C. The sponsor shall afford the superintendent or his agents the right at all reasonable times to inspect facilities and to interview his agents, employees, and any child or other person within his custody or control, provided that no private interviews may be conducted with any child without prior notice to the parent of such child. Common Ground welcomes the inspection of our files and practices by the department of health and safety under the Virginia Department of Education.

D. The license shall be posted in a place conspicuous to the public (§ 22.1-289.011 of the Code of Virginia). Our license is posted in the main office of the center and available for inspection here.

E. The operational responsibilities of the licensee shall include ensuring that the center's activities, services, and facilities are maintained in compliance with these standards, the center's own policies and procedures that are required by these standards, and the terms of the current license issued by the department. Common Ground agrees to comply with the Childcare Licensing Standards of Virginia.

F. Every center shall ensure that advertising is not misleading or deceptive as required by § 22.1-289.027 of the Code of Virginia. Common Ground agrees to true marketing and advertising.

G. The center shall meet the proof of child identity and age requirements as stated in § 22.1-289.049 of the Code of Virginia. Common Ground will view and certify that we have seen proof of identity for each child enrolled in the center. A birth certificate is requested, but we will accept any official document that meets this requirement.

H. The sponsor shall maintain public liability insurance for bodily injury for each center site with a minimum limit of at least $500,000 each occurrence and with a minimum limit of $500,000 aggregate.

  1. A public sponsor may have equivalent self-insurance that is in compliance with the Code of Virginia. Common Ground has insurance in excess of this requirement.

  2. Evidence of insurance coverage shall be made available to the department's representative upon request. The COI is available upon request.

I. The center shall develop written procedures for injury prevention. Common Ground is committed to keeping the children and staff in our care safe. Our injury prevention policy can be found here.

J. Injury prevention procedures shall be updated at least annually based on documentation of injuries and a review of the activities and services. Common Ground administration reviews injury reports on an ongoing basis and makes updated to our operating practices regularly.

K. The center shall develop written procedures for prevention of shaken baby syndrome or abusive head trauma, including coping with crying babies, safe sleeping practices, and sudden infant death syndrome awareness. We take the safety of the children in our care very seriously. Our procedures can be viewed here.

L. The center shall inform all staff who work with children of children's allergies, sensitivities, and dietary restrictions. Common Ground’s Allergy policy can be found here.

M. The center shall maintain, in a way that is accessible to all staff who work with children, a current written list of all children's allergies, sensitivities, and dietary restrictions documented in the allergy plan required in 8VAC20-780-60 A 8. This list shall be dated and kept confidential in each room or area where children are present. There are allergy lists posted in every classroom under a coversheet that says “Allergy List. Confidential information for Common Ground staff and volunteers only”

N. The center shall develop written playground safety procedures that shall include:

  1. Provision for active supervision by staff to include positioning of staff in strategic locations, scanning play activities, and circulating among children; and

  2. Method of maintaining resilient surface.

Our playground safety procedures can be found here.