Inaugural Black Women Physicians Day was 2/8/21

Something that you may not know about me, I wanted to be a doctor for most of my life. In fact, I still look at post-bacc, pre-med programs from time to time (but don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere anytime soon!).

While I have always devoted some of my leisure time to reading medical abstracts (who doesn’t!?), from a scientific thirst standpoint, the pandemic hasn’t been all bad for me. With extra time on my hands, looking for some uplifting and informative content, I stumbled Mama Doctor Jones on YouTube, which led me to an incredible group of female physicians on Instagram, a lot of whom happen to be black.

The content is fun, as most instagram content is, but it’s also informative! I learned that February 3rd was the fourth ever National Women Physicians day and YESTERDAY, February 8th, was the inaugural Black Women Physician Day!

February 8th is actually the birthday of the very first Black Woman MD in the US, Dr. Rebecca Lee Crumpler. WebMD has a great article on her, that highlights her accomplishments as well as the racial issues that still exist.

While a preschool blog isn’t the place for a long discussion on systemic racism, I want to make that we aren’t whitewashing the content that we share here and with our children. In fact, as we were working on our newsletter this week, we realized that 9 days in, we hadn’t even mentioned that this month is Black History Month.

In honor of Black History Month and Black Women Physicians Day, I’d like to point you to “Stethoscope Dreams” written by Dr. Wendy Goodall McDonald - @dreverywoman on Instagram.

(you can see Miss Janette read this great book on our youtube channel)

With that, we vow to do better with the content that we share and the holidays that we recognize! And leave you with the list of the women instagram docs I love to follow:


Miss Liz


Miss Janette's "The Magic of Colors" Lesson Series PREMIERING IN MARCH!


"I met a Pediatrician in the woods..."