Common Ground Common Ground

Health Check - DHO and child initiated report

When performing the Daily Health Observation upon arrival or anytime a child seems, looks, or reports that they are not feeling well, including but not limited to: illness symptoms, a headache, being sore, staff should use the “health check” documentation in Brightwheel to share the information with the parents, not the message feature. A message may be sent after the “health check” has been completed.

Staff should ask:

  • “what happened to cause [reported condition]?”

  • “when did you start to feel like this?”

  • “what would make you feel better?”

  • “would you like [offer appropriate first aid if needed]?”

Staff should inform the office if they believe the child is ill or is reporting a serious concern, prior to sending the health check to parents. As a reminder, all observed or reported head injuries need to be brought to the office and the online incident report needs to be completed.

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