Common Ground Common Ground

Snow Potential this Sunday - Snow Policy Reminder

There is a potential for the second snow of this season this Sunday! This storm has the potential to impact center operations on Monday, with the current forecasts are calling for between 3-5 inches on Sunday and another 1-3 inches of snow on Monday.

With that in mind, we’d like to remind you of our snow policy. In general, we follow the federal government, especially in regard to delayed openings and early closings, since those calls are made with the commute in mind. With our current limited operating hours, if the federal government delays by 2 hours, Common Ground will open at 8:30am instead of 8am. If they close early, we ask that you make every effort to pick up by the earlier of the two times - one hour past the government closing time or by 4pm.

If the federal government closes, there is a good chance Common Ground will also be closed. However, if they remain closed for multiple days and we feel that the roads in Reston, including the Common Ground Parking lot, are safe enough to open, then we will make every effort to open the center. I know that seems like a bit of a confusing policy, we just want to have the ability to err on the side of open, in case the government makes a call that doesn’t make sense for the Reston area!

The one exception, if Fairfax County Government, who almost NEVER closes, decides to close and the federal government doesn’t, then we will follow suit and close as well, because that means that there could be a greater impact on the Reston area, than the larger DC area.

Confused yet?! Don’t worry, we will stay in constant communication to let you know our plans! Our operating status will be posted on the website, instagram, and messaged through Brightwheel.

The point is - we want to be open, but only if it is safe for us to get our staff here and home safely.

And when there is snow and we are open, make sure your kiddo is prepared with snow gear, as there is nothing more fun than playing out in the snow with your school friends!

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