Agenda Item Details
Nov 10, 2020 - Electronic Work Session
Program Budget Review - 4 p.m.
Select Staffing Formula Review and SOQ Comparison
Action, Discussion
Subject: Select Staffing Formula Review and SOQ Comparison
Staff Contact: Leigh Burden, assistant superintendent, Department of Financial Services
Other Staff Present: Marty Smith, chief operating officer
Alice Wigington, director, Office of Budget Services
Matthew Norton, budget analyst, Office of Budget Services
Meeting Category: November 10, 2020 - Work Session
School Board Action Required: Discussion
On November 4, 2020 staff began the FY 2021 Budget Review process with the School Board by presenting an overview of FCPS’ budget. This included information about all School Board funds with an emphasis on the Operating Fund including the approach to developing the FCPS budget, and the plan to provide a systematic review of FCPS’ Operating Budget.
On November 10, 2020 we will provide detailed information on the staffing formulas and resources provided directly to schools, including VDOE staffing standards as outlined in the Standards of Quality and how they compare to FCPS staffing practices. Over the next few months, the remainder of the budget will be presented from a department/office perspective with linkage back to the school information presented on November 10. These departmental reviews will include their mission, the functions of each office, and their work to support the FCPS vision, mission, strategic initiatives, and support provided to schools.
Will be posted prior to the meeting