Newsletter: December 14

Dear Parents,

Thank you to all of you who donated blood on Friday! The blood banks are still in need of donations, so if you can, head over to to donate in the next two weeks and you’ll be on cycle for our next bloodmobile visit later this winter.

Blood donation is just one way that you can give back to our greater community by donating time. And coming in 2022, we will more opportunities for you to help us here at the center.

Teachers have already received their Christmas gift/bonus from parent donations and Common Ground. You will be invoiced for your pledges in January of 2022. If you have yet to make your pledge, you can do so here:

Are you planning on taking some time off over the holidays? Make sure you let us know: As a reminder, Common Ground is closed on 12/23, 12/24, and 12/31.

The winter season Early Morning Drop Off and Evening Hours sign-up is LIVE! You can sign up here: You can also find this link on our Calendar page and on the Newsletter Main Page.

We are still trying to track absences to make sure that we stay on top of possible outbreaks of illnesses (other than Covid) in our center. So when you child stays home, please fill out the absence report form here:

We LOVE Saturdays at Common Ground!

We have three more Saturdays planned where you can drop your kiddos off with us! Sign up here:

The suggested donation for these events is $25 per child. You can make the donation via our PayPal giving fund:

Our Busy Bees make great Actors!

We may be just rolling out Conscious Discipline to our classrooms now, but we have been practicing its core tenants for years. “Child-led” is a concept that our preschool teachers are keyed into in a big way. If a teacher knows what inspires curiosity and excitement in the students, they will always know how to teach them in a way that lasts.

During Circle Time the Busy Bees teachers often read a themed story that coincides with the curriculum. They noticed that the students wanted to be actively involved, not just sitting quietly listening! In the spirit of teaching with love, our teachers read the story again and again so that the students would know it, and then would let the kids pick a character to be. The results were incredible! The students are learning story structure, practicing call and response, and really digging into reading comprehension, all because they wanted to play act together. Think what we would have missed out on had Ms. Adella just said “sit down and be quiet."

And with that, we wish you well for this week and look forward to our last few weeks of 2021!


Your CG Family


Newsletter: December 21


Newsletter: December 8