Newsletter: September 22
We will be adding additional dates for the springtime later on.
Virginia Quality Practice Year 2 - Curriculum Roll Out Underway!
We are so excited to be rolling out the Creative Curriculum across all classrooms this year! We have been successfully using this curriculum in our preschool program for the last 6 years. With our participation in the VQB5 Grant Program, the state paid for the curriculum and trained our teachers in it last spring.
The curriculum, in addition to being evaluated using the CLASS tool, help to ensure that we are meeting and exceeding state quality standards, which are all a part of the unifying framework for early childhood education.
That said, your teachers may be reaching out for information about your child at home! You can also find out more at our Curriculum Night on October 20th from 6-7pm.
Parking Lot Etiquette
We have CONTINUED concerns raised about the parking lot during pick up after our notice of this in August 18th’s Newsletter. As a reminder, with small children around, it’s important to drive and park slowly and carefully. We began closing the front driveway along the fence during pick up hours this week to assist in keeping our kids as safe as possible.
We ask that if you need to back into a space, please do so at least 5 spaces down from the driveway along the fence. This will help make it easier for parents who are crossing the lot with their children at pick up.
The kids get excited when they recognize their car pulling in, so please try to make an effort to conclude any calls or meetings before pulling into the lot, so that you are distraction free when it’s time to get your kiddos. We understand that things come up, so just send us a message if you need extra assistance getting your child to the car safely.
It’s Official - We’re a Laboratory!
While we have been performing on-site COVID tests since October of last year, we are now OFFICIALLY a clinical laboratory able to perform waived tests. This means that we can perform any simple COVID test on-site without a proctor.
While this doesn’t change much in practice for COVID testing, it’s possible that we may be able to order other simple tests, like flu and strep in the future. For now, it means that our COVID testing will continue through the end of at least January 2023, as that is how long the VDH has said they will provide tests
Thank you for taking the time to read our newsletter! Make sure you scroll below for the important dates coming up at Common Ground!
Love, the CG Team