All Office for Children professional learning will be offered virtually in the form of webinars. When in-person classes resume, descriptions and registration information will be posted here:
Please see below for information on upcoming webinars. Monthly emails with registration links will be sent when registration opens.
Family Child Care Business Workshops
Professionalism and Effective Communication (1.0 hour)
Do you interact with parents as a professional business owner? Do you market the special training and credentials you have earned to operate a daycare business? Is your business easy to find when parents are looking? In this webinar, we will talk about how to present yourself professionally at all times and in everything you do, and how to communicate the benefits of your business to all potential clients.
CDA Area: 5
Tuesday, January 21
7:00-9:00 p.m.
Registration link email will be sent on January 14, 2021.
For more information about webinars, please call the Institute for Early Learning at 703-324-3044.
Institute for Early Learning
Fairfax County Office for Children
Phone: 703-324-3044