Virginia Early Learning and Development Standards - Social Emotional Development
Join a four-part series on AREA TWO: SOCIAL AND EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT (SED) of the Virginia Early Learning and Development Standards (VA ELDS). Sessions will include an overview and the three sub areas: Positive Self-Concept, Emotional Competence, and Interacting with Others. There are four 1-hour virtual ZOOM meetings and six hours of extended learning for a total of up to 10 participation hours.
CDA Area: 3
CLASS Support
Infant: Responsive Caregiving
Toddler: Emotional and Behavioral Support
Pre-K: Emotional Support
Infant: Relational Climate
Toddler: Teacher Sensitivity
Pre-K: Regard for Student Perspective
Wednesdays, October 5, 12, 26 and November 2
1:00 - 2:00 p.m.