1795-02 What Do You Notice? Using Art to Foster Visual Literacy (2.0 hours) *In-person training/space is limited*
Visual literacy, or the ability to carefully look at images or symbols and interpret meaning, is an important skill for preschoolers to develop. Art observation is an engaging and natural way to foster visual literacy in young children. In this workshop, we will discuss Harvard Project Zero’s “See-Think-Wonder" thinking routine and consider using this technique while looking at art with preschoolers to foster visual literacy.
Please note: If you have already participated and received credit in the September session, please do not register again. You will not receive credit again.
CDA Area: 2, 8
VELDS: Approaches to Play & Learning, Social & Emotional Development, Communication, Language & Literacy Development, Cognitive Development
CLASS Support
Pre-k: Instructional Support
Pre-k: Concept Development, Quality of Feedback, Language Modeling
Location: Lorton Library, 9520 Richmond Hwy, Lorton, VA 22079
Wednesday, December 6th
6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
(You must have your provider ID and PIN number to register for this in-person training)