1788-01 Loose Parts 2: Inspiring Play with Infants & Toddlers (3.0 Hours) *In-person training/space is limited*
Infants and toddlers are innately curious about their world, and they discover, learn and grow through open-ended play. Using the work of Lisa Daly & Miriam Beloglovsky in Loose Parts 2: Inspiring Play with Infants & Toddlers, we will learn about loose parts, their definition and benefits, as well as specific considerations when using loose parts with infants and toddlers. We will analyze how loose parts play engages all the developmental domains of early childhood and explore how to incorporate loose parts play into your work with the youngest learners.
CDA Areas: 2, 3
CLASS Support
Toddler: Emotional and Behavioral Support
Pre-K: Emotional Support
Toddler: Teacher Sensitivity & Regard for Child Perspectives
Pre-K: Teacher Sensitivity & Regard for Child Perspectives
Location: Resource Center at Main Street, Room 205, 10201 Main Street, Fairfax, 22030
Saturday, August 12th
9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
(You must have your provider ID and PIN number to register for this in-person training)