Busy Bees and Love Bugs meet Jiji the Penguin- 4s start ST Math

This week the Love Bugs and Busy Bees started their ST Math journey with Jiji the Penguin. ST Math is an online program that teaches math using fun puzzles that keep the children interested and entertained. The first step is starting to learn their 13 character password- which sounds daunting, but feels like a matching game. The expectation for Pre-K is 30 minutes per week. We are doing small group sessions of 10 minutes 3 times a week: Love Bugs MWF and Busy Bees TWTh.

To learn more about ST Math and to play games, visit bit.ly/welcome-stmath. For more information about ST Math or to download free family resources, visit stmath.com/parent-math-resources.

So far the kids have really enjoyed the time together learning from Jiji! We will keep you updated on our progress.


Screenless Activities - Quick Recipes


Happy Lunar New Year!