Education and Policy Common Ground Education and Policy Common Ground

Busy Bees and Love Bugs meet Jiji the Penguin- 4s start ST Math

This week the Love Bugs and Busy Bees started their ST Math journey with Jiji the Penguin. ST Math is an online program that teaches math using fun puzzles that keep the children interested and entertained. The first step is starting to learn their 13 character password- which sounds daunting, but feels like a matching game. The expectation for Pre-K is 30 minutes per week. We are doing small group sessions of 10 minutes 3 times a week: Love Bugs MWF and Busy Bees TWTh.

To learn more about ST Math and to play games, visit For more information about ST Math or to download free family resources, visit

So far the kids have really enjoyed the time together learning from Jiji! We will keep you updated on our progress.

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Team Spotlight: Our 4 year olds DIG their Routine!

Our 4s teachers are absolutely incredible at what they do to get their kiddos ready for kindergarten.

What’s the main thing they focus on? Self-Motivated Learning. This requires our preschoolers to feel safe, supported, and free to explore their surroundings without fear.

A clear, firm, interactive schedule provides an excellent foundation to a child. The teachers have a schedule complete with pictures of their students doing each activity! Having pictures tied to words helps form tangible understanding of each task and is really helpful for prewriting skills. Plus, seeing themselves in pictures DOING the activities is often a fun incentive to get them to stick to it!

Jobs and Responsibilities. The students have to take care of their classroom! To encourage them to be excited about this, their teachers give them SPECIAL JOBS every day to show them how to be leaders!

Practice Practice Practice. Every day the kids help guide circle. Every day the kids draw whatever they like in their journals and have discussions with their teachers about it (there’s no WRONG way to draw a squiggle). Every day they get a chance to be the person they want to be when they step through the door. Their teachers are here to encourage them, not punish them, and making mistakes is an essential part of GROWTH!

Family Photos. We are all Common Ground. Our teachers understand how integral a child’s family is to their growth and learning journey, and do not expect them to leave that at the door! Each child has a family photo with them so that they can be reminded they are loved ALL the time, 24/7.

The Love Bugs and the Busy Bees have always been ahead of the curve when it comes to preschool. Our kids go into kindergarten confident in themselves and comfortable in the learning environment. We have found that in this time of uncertainty where everyone is a little more stressed and unsure, we need these foundational tools more than ever! So parents, take as much comfort as your kiddo does that they are safe, healthy, happy learners here at Common Ground Childcare.

Love Love Love,

Your CG Family.

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