Approved changes to our bylaws

On Saturday, September 23rd the Common Ground Board of Trustees met with the community for the first time since the winter of 2019-2020. We went over the structure and purpose of the board: to provide strategic oversight for the Center and ensure the long term stability of the Center.

We approved two changes to the bylaws that were recommended by our legal consultant back in 2019:

Section 2: Number, Tenure and Manner of Election 

A. Number - The number of trustees shall be seven (7) eleven (11) members made up of the following:

  1. Four (4) Seven (7) At Large Trustees elected at the Annual Meeting with voting privileges

  2. One (1) Center Director by virtue of the position, with voting privileges

  3. One (1) Center Program or Assistant Director by virtue of the position. This is a non-voting position

  4. One (1) voting representative appointed by St. Anne’s Episcopal Church as long as space is leased from the church. The Board may choose to fill the seat normally held by the St. Anne’s Episcopal Church should St. Anne’s Church choose not to. 

  5. One (1) non-voting representative of the staff of Common Ground. 

This number may be increased at any time by an amendment to these Bylaws but may not be less than four (4) (3 voting plus the Director)

We look forward to having additional community meetings to make the rest of the recommended updates to our bylaws to bring them up to date!


Brightwheel Fee Changes and ACH information - effective November 1, 2023


2023-2024 Tuition Information