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April is our Birthday Month! And to give it a GRAND FINALE, we are hosting another SUPER POPULAR SPRING STUFFY SLEEPOVER!

What is a Stuffy Sleepover? We are glad you asked!

Kids bring their favorite toy. It can be a stuffed animal, a doll, an action-figure, an excavator! They leave them in the loving care of our teachers for a night of music, books, and awesome activities. Kids can watch their favorite toys play with their best friends’ favorite toys from either Facebook Live or YouTube.

Basically, it is a heartfelt way for kids to be together without BEING together.

We had seen them before, Scrawl Books does an especially fun series of them featuring amazing children’s authors.

They are ridiculous fun for everyone involved. CHECK OUT OUR VIDEOS FROM THAT NIGHT ON OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL


On Friday, April 30th, the stuffies will come into Common Ground for a night of fun! This time, we are going to have our Mr. Josh sing-a-long around a CAMP FIRE! We will roast marshmallows, look at the stars, and read books about Spring. We will play outside, eat delicious snacks, and make something delightful for our kids at home. After that, we will camp out under the stars and dream of adventures with our Common Ground Family.

Our Featured Author is the warm-hearted, endlessly talented Andrea Lamont.

We will be reading her book “The Magic Friendship Rock,” a lovely story about imagination, art, and the absolute magic of friendship. The stuffys will bring home a copy of this book along with some other fun story-themed surprises to share with their friends.

The next morning on the First of May we will take all the stuffed animals (and other friends) home on the Common Ground Bus with a delightful goodie bag to share with their kiddo to remind them of all the fun things they did the night before.

Does this sound amazing? It does to us too. We could barely wait until Spring to party with all our magnificent stuffy friends again!


Sign Up Right Here!

$30.00 Donation to our COMMON GROUND BIRTHDAY Campaign gets you a ticket for the stuffy sleepover! It includes the goodie-bags, the fun, the live-videos, and more surprises!

Then you can drop your stuffed animal off on Thursday the 29th or Friday the 30th at the center (we will email you with the details when you register!) and it will be delivered home via the Common Ground Bus!

The money raised will go towards necessary educational initiatives at Common Ground Childcare.

In the spirit of OUR BIRTHDAY, since we cannot all BE together, at least we can celebrate together.

Miss LJ


Common Ground Celebrates: Week of the Young Child


Earth Hour: A Moment to Pause and Reflect