To work at Common Ground is to feel appreciated EVERY SINGLE DAY, but we love a celebration too! Multiple times per week, families offer to bring in goodies, treat us to lunch, or do something else to spoil our staff. To streamline the appreciation of our teachers, we have something special planned for every day. Rather than over stuff our teachers bellies, you can help by making sure to donate to our teacher bonus fund. This fund will be matched (and more) from Common Ground to give the teachers an end of the school year bonus at the end of May.

We are putting together a little video to celebrate how much we love our teachers! You can record a message and upload it here. Tips for recording a great message:

  • Keep it short

  • Daylight is best

  • let the kids say whatever they want - they’re the cutest!

  • we can edit out parts too, so don’t worry if it’s not perfect!

*Please keep in mind that this video will be shared publicly on YouTube and not to share any personally identifying information.

Thank you for your support!


Teacher Tips: Healthy Eating


WOYC21: ARTSY THURSDAY- We made Crayons!! Here's How...